Responsive & Mobile friendly
Why are you still using the same
booking websites as everyone else?
Property owners know that Direct Booking helps you make more money, have more control, and have the chance to make real business out of property rentals.
Upgrade Your Rental Business
Ametchhub makes it quick and easy to create a professional website for your vacation rental property. Import your data from the OTA, create a premium-quality listing, get noticed, and get your property booked!
Why Settle?
Amtechhub offers you the opportunity to run your booking business with better results.
We’ll design and launch a professional website for your vacation property rental business, allowing you to get more bookings, achieve higher online rankings, and build a credible place for your current and potential customers to book your rental property directly from you.
How It Works?
Connect with Your Ideal Customers
Using advanced SEO practices and positioning your booking website correctly, you can attract your ideal clients almost seamlessly.
Create a Unique Brand
Now is your chance to create your own booking business. Create a brand around your property that separates it from the rest.
Generate More Value
With your distinct business and unbelievable customer service, you can make your property more valuable and charge more per booking than you ever could on traditional OTAs.
Deliver Services Through Secure Channels
The website comes with a secure and proficient payment channel which allows your customers to conveniently book your services without any worry. The channels are protected by top security programming which is strengthened against hacks.
Book Directly
Cut out the hassle of OTAs. Book directly on your site.
Don’t let OTAs control your booking business any longer. Choose your package to get started with Amtechhub today!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you provide direct booking features?
We Install and configure the Motopress Direct Booking Plugin on each website. We can provide additional details about this plugin if requested.
What information do you need to start the website?
We typically need you to provide your logo, listing content, property images, domain name, and access to the Hosting Panel.
What kind of security do you provide on the website for the online payment system?
For online payment and security, SSL integration on the website is essential. SSL is provided by the Host provider and we will assist to install and integrate the SSL. We install Wordfence Security (Free version) on the website and Google Captcha.
Do you do websites for a Single Property or only Multiple Properties?
We provide websites for both Single Properties, Multiple Properties and Hotel booking Management systems. Please reach out to us at to discuss your requirements.
Do you provide Logo Design?
Yes, we provide complete Brand Identity and Logo Design based on the requirements from the client, please reach out to us at for additional information.
Will our website be visible in Google Search Engine and Google Analytics?
For these features, your website would require SEO Optimization, this is not included in our package. Please discuss your requirements with us so we can work something out.
Do you Provide Social Media Buttons and Integration?
Yes, we provide Social Media Buttons Integration, however, we request clients to provide us with the links to their social media pages.
What information would you need for Payment integration?
We would require relevant API’s from your online payment integration to be integrated with your website
Are we able to add, amend, update, or cancel reservations?
Motopress hotel booking plugin provides full control over bookings via their dashboard on the backend of the website where you can control all of your bookings as required.
Are we able to automate standard emails such as booking confirmation, cancellation, amendment emails to the guests?
Yes these features are available within this plugin.